Saturday 25 February 2012

Melbourne I

Last December I went Melbourne to visit my beloved sister.
My one and only sister
who is my best friend, my soul mate and 
bet my life wouldn't be so perfect without her.

She arranged me some day tours to travel around Victoria.
The first is Phillip Island.
I love this day tour the most!!
I met with my colleague before i leave for Phillip Island...
She came Melbourne to visit her son..

On the way to Phillip Island,
we went to see koala and kangaroo...
 i touched the koala bear...
so soft!!

 when i reach Phillip Island...

While waiting for the penguinsss come home from the sea...
it was freezing cold!!!
I wore three layers of clothes..
waited for more than an hour
in this freeeeeeeezing weather..
but the sky is still so bright...
the penguins will only come back when it is dark.

it worth!!!
the penguinsssss were so cuuuuuutteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
more than thousands of penguins i saw...

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