Friday 16 March 2012

Shangrila Lafite

French food lovers will not missed out Shangrila Lafite.
here i am...
you can choose to go for 3 courses or 5 courses.
I chose 5 courses meal.
nice table decorations.
can see the garden view from my table ^ ^
complimentry from the chef.
the left side, smoked salmon on stones.
the middle one really dunno what's tha, not really like it.
the round white thingy on the spoons look like scallops but it is something cold like sorbet. lol.

duck and mash potatoes are always on my order list.
raw salmon and very beautiful plate decoration
with blossoms.
Lafite signature- Lamb
Risotto, biscuit and white truffles!
I prefer white truffles compare to black.
How about you?

First time trying Venison in western food..
it look so red and raw..
 but it is really "very very nice" as Lafite recommanded..
♥ best of the day
Must have this if you come Lafite
were super full before desserts.
Advise you not to be too greedy...
Go for 3 courses meal is more than enough..
Moet Moet ^ ^
very romantic restaurant

after fine dining at Lafite..
took this at the hotel lobby...
^ ^
I love Lafite!

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