Thursday 5 April 2012

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
the sexiest American actress.

Heard thousands times of this name,
but did not really know how was she really look like
until I watched
"My week with Marilyn"

This is a movie about Marilyn's one week life
when she cast for
"The Prince and the Showgirl".

Below is the real Marilyn's
"The Prince and the Showgirl"
What I'll say is
Marilyn Monroe is not replacable.
Even i think that Michelle Williams did a great job in
"My Week with Marilyn".
But after I watch the real
"The Prince and Showgirl",
Marilyn is more natural.

This is my favourite song by Marilyn
"Diamonds are girl's best friend"
^ ^

This video totally explains why Marilyn is the classic, irreplacable sexy symbol.
No wonder the world fall for her...

She is so very beautiful...
Cheers for Marilyn Monroe

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